We're a team of
- Entrepreneurs
- Developers
- Freelancers
spread out over
- 17 countries
- 4 continents

We believe
that we're living in amazing times - where it's possible to work 100% remotely, having completely flexible working hours, access to open-source code, inexpensive hosting and much more. The environment to run an internet business has never been better!

The majority of our (core) products revolve around the question how to facilitate information flow - i.e. to get information from people who have it to those who need it. After all, we're living in the information age!
Our company name, Inisev, reflects this too (Information is everything)
We get a huge kick out of seeing people using, enjoying and getting value from our products. This isn't just a PR statement... it's what drives us more than anything else. Our philosophy: add crazy value (mostly for free), then down the line there will be opportunities (for us) to participate from it in more tangible ways too.
And once the participation in tangible ways materializes (it hasn't yet, unfortunately), there's no question where most of the proceeds will end up... we're big fans of giving back (charities etc.). After all, the ultimate verdict of our short visit will be how much we improved the lives of others. In that spirit, we now launched IncreasingHappiness.org.

If you like the vibe
you're getting,
why not join our
You can help us spread the word, or maybe join our team directly! Please email us at [email protected] for that.
Thank you!